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Transform your Life to a Life of Miracles
DeborahBrooksMiracle Transform your Life

            Transform your life now

                to a Life of Miracles

        & call or text DeborahBrooks                today

                   @ 949-285-1577         

              to set up a Consultation 

The Magi Priestess© by Deborah Brooks All rights reserved

"The Magi Priestess©"

Original 36" x 80"


Deborah Brooks

©All Rights Reserved • DeborahBrooks • 949-285-1577


     Known as "The Painter of Beauty," Deborah Brooks brings beauty & balance to the lives of those she teaches.  Not unlike an Angel herself, she has been called, not only beautiful, but a woman of tremendous grace and compassion.


     Through Alchemy she transforms lives bringing Heaven to Earth.  Not only in her paintings but in her words, her vision, and her magical gift of Love, and guidance to her clients, a Gift in honor of the magical Child who resides in our matter what our age.


     Utilizing guidance & the ancient wisdom she receives from her Ancient Archangels, the Spenta Angels, she guides people from all walks of life, transforming their lives to one of Grace, Balance, Harmony and Love, embracing an aura of abundance.


     Her husband, Dean, as a Renaissance person, by virtue of his inner sensitivity to image and the ability to see a relativeness among all things, coupled with his love of story and a desire to create enchantment for the reader  wrote The Magical Journey Books ™    A collaboration of writer & artist, husband & wife, the books were created with a spirit, filled with beauty, and when finished, gold corded and bound by hand.  


     ”She and her exquisite husband, Dean have worked together since 1995, he writing his wonderful books for her gallery and her work and she painting the paintings for his books until his untimely death in July of this year.  Acting as Editor, Publisher, and Bookbinder, Deborah created handmade books,  bound with golden ribbons and embellished with love.   As Deborah says,


"Sadly, my beautiful husband, Dean, passed away on July 11th, 2016 after a toxic dose 

of Chemotherapy for Lymphoma.   His books, a mirror of his lovely soul….will continue to be made by my hand, and bound with love.  The love of my life in all lifetimes to come, we shall meet again.


We now work together, soulmates, as aways,

Our love transcending the Heavens co-creating together…He, on another plane behind the veil…


And, I, Deborah on this plane, an emissary for our work here on earth

The Journey Continues…infinitum...



      "Divinely inspired, there is no doubt that a master artist was at work in her creation of the Ancient   Archangels told of 3000 years ago, the only thing is she had never painted before.  The Seven Ancient   Archangels, each bearing a gift of Love. were brushed to life for the first time in her studio in Corona del  Mar, California.


Inspired by the story locked with the Cuneiform, The Seven Ancient Spenta Angels, Emanations of Light, were brought to life for the first time in history, creating each in the feminine mystique symbolizing the Goddess within all women. Within the paintings were ancient symbols, that Deborah knew nothing of in this lifetime.  Her art is an exquisite mirror, reflecting the beauty and grace within each of us."


Having been touched deeply by the reception of people to her work, and the transformational healings she viewed as a result, Deborah has continued her work as an Angelic Intuitive and Messenger guided by the Seven Ancient Archangels, The Spenta Angels, delivering their guidance and  messages to those who request her help.  As it is written, when the student is ready, the teacher appears.  Many who have visited her galleries have been transformed by her words, and her paintings, many have been healed and guided by her.


Deborah was born with a visionary gift and the gift of hearing and feeling Spirit, as well as the gift of observation, seeing  into people's souls, reading their personalities and the ability to transform and heal the soul guiding them on a new journey of Love and Compassion, Manifesting and living life in a new way.


After the untimely death of her husband, Dean, in July of 2016, her Soulmate and Twin Flame, as well as the death years before of her Mother & Father, and many beloved friends and animals, she knows first hand of the journey we must take to transform our lives to living a fuller, peaceful, abundant & happy life rising above all negative earthly concerns.

As Deborah says,

"Grief is a journey we must take." 

"It is a sacred journey

that beckons us to embrace it,

to honor our tears & to honor the loss of our loved one..."


It is my honor to guide people through this journey, not only those experiencing the loss of a loved one, or a job, but also to those finding their way in this human world we live in, finding our balance as Divine Beings in a Human body.  


Corporate clients are welcomed also as she offers a new way of doing business in this world where the business and treatment of employees and clients becomes a marriage, and a "win/win situation for each person involved.  


Deborah has many incredible testimonials from those who have met her & visited her galleries and she encourages you to read them under Testimonials. 


Not unlike an Angel herself she has been noted for her Grace and her beautiful sense of compassion for all people & animals. Many clients have called her "The Painter of Beauty" as well as magical and filled with grace & beauty.  Her presence heals and opens the heart of others.  


She has been called a Master Healer, a teacher, with a warm, soothing angelic voice emanating the greatest of all gifts, compassion, for as she says compassion is the Doorway to Grace.


As a wife of 27 years, and now a "Widow" a label she has not yet gotten used to, she is filled with an even greater empathy and compassion for those who are suffering and negotiating a new pattern of living, a new path in this wonderful experience we call life.  As Deborah's painting says:


"In the Presence of Love,There are Miracles ©

“Love is the essence of all Life,
Live love, give love ...expect miracles ... &  you shall find

miracle will follow miracle & wonders will never cease...”

- Deborah Brooks
















In the Presence of Love, There are Miracles© by Deborah Brooks, All rights reservedorah Brooks
Magian Star© by Deborah Brooks, all rights reserved
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